clinical assessment
1) causes of pedal edema
2)cause of pleural effusion
3)Cause of transudative fluid
4) How to do pleural tap
5) types of retinal detachment
6)fundoscopic changes in diabetic neuropathy
1)Pathway of cough reflex
2)Diff between heametemisis and hemoptysis and it's causitive factors
3)Difference between upper gi bleed and lower gi bleed
4)Difference between melena and hematochizia
1)Causes of community acquired pneumonia
2)bronchectiasis and it's causes.idenfication of changes in x ray and ct scan
3) causes of factatious disorder
1)causes of direct hyperbilirubinemia
2)autonomic failure in diabetes
3) causes of adrenal insufficiency
4)why patient is having repeated attacks of postural hypotension